Educational stuff, should you be interested.
The past -even if we could be confident of interpreting it with high accuracy-rarely offers direct lessons. To claim that kind of relevance is to deceive oneself. But history as the educated memory of what has gone before is a resource not to be abandoned lightly...the present always has a past dimension, which is better to acknowledge than to ignore or deny.
- Peter Paret, Makers of Modern strategy
Yes,History. my favourite subject (pun intended). I want to talk about it so more people will start seeing its value. Hey hey, history-heavy stuff? If you don't know where you've been, you don't know where you are or where you are headed. And as someone really wise once said. "If you close your eyes on the past, you are blind to the present."
On a totally different note altogether:
Here is BBC's take on Singapore's blogoshpere. [if you are interested]
BBC says this of Singapore's blogs