Mysterious skin
watch the trailer
I cannot talk about this show. Words will simply degrade it. It's been a while since I've been this excited about a show. I'm even tempted to see more of this director's work. Most readers of this blog will probably think that I have pretty low expectations from films, it seems as if almost every show I've ever come across gets a pretty good review. But it's rather hard to explain my criteria for a good show, it ranges quite a bit. I enjoy cinematic experiences in general. And I think most shows deserve credit, it is afterall lots of effort from a team of people. It is honestly hard for me to say this show is good while that one sucks,or this one is better than that one. Because I tend to judge case by case. I can't and don't really compare them. I just look at each and give them my most honestly judgment based simply on the movie experience itself. I do not want to give the impression that 'Wet Dreams 2" a Korean comedy(check out an earlier entry) gets the same kind good as "Mysterious skin". But they are nevertheless both good. This is so hard to explain! I do not really have a meter on which shows fall either between
Downright trash!------------or----------- Brilliantly superb!
I also do not grade movies, I feel that it is lame giving them grades like they are some kind of assignments. There are simply no real criterias out there to grade them. It is a matter of personal preferences. Maybe it is also because I really respect this form of popular entertainment/art. When I say a show is good, that is already a conclusion, not the experience itself (which is the part I really treasure). I do not want people to take my conclusion as the word. When I say a show is good, I really hope people will go and watch it and judge for themselves. Never think in absolutes when I say a show is good or a show sucks, because for me there are many shades of good and there are equally as many shades of bad. 'Mysterious skin' is good but so is 'Wet dreams2'. (different versions of good)
As an additional note, I often find it a pity when people read reviews to decide which show to catch. I feel that this is an error most people make when reading one of those film reviews in the paper or online. Don't take the critic's word for it. watch it to find out. I've learnt to disregard critics, I hope more people will too for the good of the cinematic art/entertainment scene. And remain open when choosing a show to watch, often you'll be surprised. Seemingly crappy shows might just turn out to be a comical gem. Similarly, seemingly deep shows might turn out to be an overkill or worse still ridiculous.
And why should you take my word for it? Try it out yourself to find out.