Did something crazy yeserday!
It originally felt like a really adventurous idea so I though yeah, should exlpore the unknown corners of NUS. But then in hindsight, I think I was F***ing crazy! Maybe I thought treking in one of the strange jungles surrounding NUS sounded romantic. It was crazy! I clearly wasn't thinking.. And my stupidity only struck me now that I have woken up, slept on it. NOw, I'm in disbelief. To highlight how stupid I was I can give you guys more evidence of it (if you still need any)
a) I wore white pants
b) I didn't wear treking shoes, I wore sneakers
c) I brought a big backpack which kept getting caught in branches
d) I got someone crazy enough to agree with me to go exploring.
e) I haven't climbed Bk Timah (with proper trails)and decides to jump the gun go trekking in a trekless 'jungle'.
f) I climbed steep slopes on frictionless shoes not meant for climbing.
Conclusion: I'm just glad I survived in one piece. Next time I have such crazy ideas, I must consult people with sense and experience first!!!!
Nip! Haha that looks exciting. I tried trekking off the path once and it was tough! Cos there were like a lot of branches and tall weeds. Aldran said that kinda trekking should take a machette to hack through. O well, army guys..