deep shit
Shit shit shit.. I'm starting my internship tomorrow and my hair is a disaster. How how how. how how how!I look crazy. (understatement) I'll proably be turned out of the ministry of health. And people are gonna stare like mad. With my usual harmless "I'm such a goody good guy" look, I normally have no problems with immigration check points, but today, they wanted to check me just because of my hair-do. Superficial people. (what can I say). I'm still trying to get use to my reflection. Damn weird. And my friend was talking about dreadlocking her hair... she'll prob be suspected of taking marijuana loh. Goodness, it is as if crooks have it written on their face, as if criminals have a certain scream out loud look or hairstyle.. Hah, dunno how my supervisor will react man. (hopefully, she will look past the bad-hair, cos I plan to keep uit for at least another week.)