Words from the 'self-proclaimed' Guru/Cynic/Bored-Blogger
Keeping a blog is like being in a relationship man (not that I'm very qualified to speak alot on this, but observations- 'elementary, my dear Watson')
Always start off strong and enthusiastic
Alot of things to tell, to share (even what one had for meals seems like juicy details)
Give it all the time, blood, sweat. (ok I exeggerate)
Having a blog is like having an extension of yourself
it's fresh, it's fun, you're so excited to write the next blog entry.(you find out things abt yourself)
And then it happens, mid-blog crisis, boredom,
should I end this thing?
And then one wonders why one still keeps the blog
One questions its meaning,what's the purpose?
It seems so stale. Another blog entry abt nothing really impt at all.
It's bloody routine.
Hi, I log on to type a few words just because,
well, I have a blog.
Feel like deserting this bloody un-happening place.
But then you look at the past post, and you feel kind of bad.
Afterall, it's been around for a while now.
Boredom, Boredom, Boredom. (screaming inside my head)
pointless. Going no where. Nothing to say on this space.
ramble, ramble, nonsense, ramble.
Threats of killing this blog. End it once and for all.
A quick execution by clicking delete, or a slow death via neglect.
but what stops me?
Some kind of faith that things will get better?
Maybe it is a phase, every blogger has to go through.
or perhaps I'm sentimental.
But hell, it is even possible that it has become something you are sick to death of, but can't bear to get rid of.
Maybe I'm really just bored, and need some time off
or maybe it's just me PMS-ing.