get away/ rip off--food for the soul /food for vultures
Bintan was great! Li, I had a lot of fun and I think I really needed it. The beach makes it all worth it, but the price--being trapped on a tourist island, our (financial) survival skills were really put to the test. It didn't feel at all like being in Indonesia, it felt like being in a futuristic Singapore after a serious inflation. $6 milkshakes, $3.50 mineral water.. ok the list goes on. When it comes to crazy sky high prices I can never complain enough. Still it was fun, despite tourist town traps.. I loved the beach there. Especially our dip at night with stars and all. And the ulu corners of the beach with no one around just the sea and us!
Getting away once in a whie is so vital to keeping me sane, and giving me some time to think about things that matter to me. Outside of all the nitty gritty daily necessities and things which need to be done. So I'm really glad you asked me along--even though my pockets are burnt through and through.
I miss it. The white powdery sand (which the sua-ku me thought was fake originally) which is apparently how real sand is suppose to be like (I just found out, poor (me)Singaporeans)...The calm sea, the breeze, the time to get in touch with ourselves and nature. Of course, it is resort nature not the real thing, still, one can dry up and shrivel if one just live day to day to day work work work. Thankful, for the spiritual, physical, emotional (everything) get away, and the great travel companion and friend I have in you. I can always share things with you. Experiences, good and bad, deep questions about our lives on earth, stupid things we do, crappy jokes and yes, quarrels about things which matter to us. Looking forward to our next trip together! And remember, our promise to go back and do our mermaid stunt!