unbearable lightness of being----of being what?

After watching a downright crappy film so foul 'that hell itself spewed it again". I watched a fantastic, FANTASTIC (with emphasis) movie! "Unbearable lightness of being"--Philip Kaufman's movie.
Being--an unbearably light phenomenon? Maybe we really just float along, without ever sinking into life genuinely. Always just barely touching the surface of the substance of it. barely even submerged into our moments to moments, we are fleeting and unbearably light.
The show made me feel unanchored, free in a funny sort of way (even if this freedom is really just illusory)--uh-oh I can feel a philosophical storm brewing somewhere in the distance of this post. So better flee it and let the lightness overtake. Take me where-ever.
Hey hey hey Oi!
Haven't left any comments on your blog in ages, so shall spam you now haha :D
"The Unbearable Lightness of Being" sounds very familiar. Is the movie based on Milan Kundera's novel of the same title? The movie's not currently screening right? My colleague said she read the book and fell asleep halfway lol, so maybe the movie might be a better idea - if it's the same one :)
Janice!!! Yes yes! It's the same 'unbearable lightnesse of being!" Watch it! It's a very beautiful show! It's 3 hours, but it doesn't feel like 3 hrs at all! And Daniel Day-Lewis was very gorgeous in the show..(drool)