Seems like most of you have a poem on being a woman... SO here is mine:
A woman,
to me that is just a word.
Yes, there is that monthly bleeding
which I absolutely detest
waking up to find my bedsheets
a cranberry mess
I have to handwash
my red underwear
and think of fish dying everytime
the only thing I like is the sound
ripping the pads from the disposable wrappers.
And, I do not have that extra piece of flesh
dangling like a changable iceberg.
Physically I feel little differences from the
supposed opposite sex
but I seem to find more commonalities.
How I hate being called the weaker sex
because I feel that we are all strong
all weak
not to mention how pissed I was that we were taken out of someone's else's rib
a spare part
meant to keep a certain Adam happy.
Society classifies me a woman
but till this day I wonder
what is that suppose to mean?
What does it mean to be a woman
I find it so much easier
to be a human
with sneakers on my feet and if I can run along side
another human being
man or woman
One day perhaps my belly will swell
with new life
but that does not make me
more or less a woman
and the same questions will still face me everytime
when I look in a mirror
fill in a form
go see a doctor
shop for new pads
worry about my skin
when a guy holds a door for me
when a woman struts past drowning in perfume
when I go to a toilet
when I see blue and reds
And my least favorite word
I could almost say hate
is Feminist, Feminism
there is no such school
women who burn bras are crazy
or want a bit of fun
I do not detest men
or try to be an equal
because in fact we are
so the whole thing is a bloody joke
Being a woman is so easy
so difficult
such a puzzle
with clarity
So does my poem make everything quite clear about being woman?
Precisely the point.