On Albino crocodiles and Moon jelly fish
Tired of the black background of the old page. So here's a brand new face!!!
I've been extremely lazy lately in updating. I also realized I haven't taken pictures of anything in quite a while. (It's only the realization, I have yet reach the stage where I might do something about it. haha )
For example I was at the Califronia Academy of Science Yesterday--they had a beautiful aquarium but the thought of taking a photo just didn't cross my mind. (the camera is now with my sister in Singapore--of course I have my phone) but what's the point. But now, I regret the fact that I didn't take at least one picture of the albino crocodile. (there was an albino crocodile in the museum, for some reason, I think you all will find it fascinating).
They also featured moon jellyfish--I might have dreamt of them last night.
OI! how ARE you???? moon jellyfishes sound magical :)