Discovering the calling
Just read "Calling" by Richard Ford in the library. Again, as it usually is with the really excellent writers, I am so moved that I had to go back again and again to read the last part. I never know when it happens, or how. Which part, or was it the whole that made me feel the way I do at the end. It's beautiful how everything comes together to that sensation at the end. How does it happen? How do they know which insignificant detail would remain significant and haunt the readers for a long long time. How did he know? And if writing is a form of play, (a play with language, with reality) how do they(writers) know which form to twist their stories into so that it means so much more than the sum of its parts? And someone who has read their mish-mash of details can leave it completely changed? What are the stakes, the risks and what is the reward at the end of the day?