I want to hurry to write down everything before I forget, because I was such an idiot--forgot papers, even though I had a pen. ( I did write some stuff down on scraps of paper though) I also forgot to bring my book so I didn't actually get a chance to read E.B White among the pine trees at the campsite. It was....( quite speechless) just plain awesome! The snow-covered ground, the lakes, the black creeks, every thing is so beautiful. Sigh.... * See, see that's my problem, just can't express my thoughts well, especially when I'm excited. My face is all red right now and my hair still smells like firesmoke. Oh well. Maybe everything will sink in later and if I'm in the mood, maybe I'll write about it then. And now, there's that film noir paper I better finish, because it's due tomorrow.
(I already typed out the things I wrote out just in case I lose those scraps.)