Ulysses and other matters
Finally, waded through Ulysses. It took me years to final feel ready to read the book, and yes, indeed it was rewarding. Amazing, amazing because I was unprepared for its depth and power even while I was in the thick of it, and amazed because five days after finishing the read, the emotions it caused, still swirls inside.
Now I am itching to tackle "On the Road"by Jack Kerouac. I don't feel ready yet. It's rambling voice has put me off time and again when I tried to approach it. In some ways, "On the Road" may be harder for me to get into than Ulysses, given that I am very resistant to the voice in there. I hate jazz, and the voice in On the Road reminds me so much of annoying, nagging, rambling jazz.
Another new update. Moved. Back in San Francisco now.