Lee and pinky swear
I will remember.
I just hope things don't change so much that I won't be able to keep my promise.
To the unknown we call future.
and the place I will call my own
I will remember.
Katherine Dunn: I’m not one for suburban angst or psychological ennui—just not my cup of tea. So I like it when things happen. And there’s always something happening in boxing, just on a moment-to-moment basis. From the moment the bell rings and two people come together, it is a ritualized crisis. And the individuals have to respond to crisis. Just as every news pundit will say, when the flood came or when the earthquake happened, you saw people operating in a crisis and they were terrific, or they fled and bit each other in the back like cowards, or whatever. What that does is strip away the veneer of social courtesies and social requirements. If it’s a good enough fight, all posturing and all pretenses are stripped away, because you’re pushed past the point where that’s functional. You have to go down into the place where whatever you truly, truly are is all that’s left, and all you can rely on.
Had my first driving lesson. Driving is fun but my leg is tired now. Wish me luck, hopefully, I will master driving and pass the test once through.
are found randomly. Like this comment I found under a video on Youtube.
But what after all is one night? A short space, especially when the darkness dims so soon, and so soon a bird sings, a cock crows, or a faint green quickens, like a turning leaf, in the hollow of the waves.
I love how the internet is just such a perfect pace for snooping. I love snooping. Disturbing-but true. Just makes my day when i find something worth snooping, knowing strangers who don't know me--reading about something a tad too personal. Woooo. That's what makes the internet so sick and so sweet.